The E. Allen Decoy


The E. Allen Decoy is available painted as well as unpainted. We take the E. Allen Decoy beyond the strict "gunning block" paint job. We go the extra mile to give you a painted decoy that looks great "in hand" as well as "on the water". There are two levels of painted decoys available. Our Premium Grade, as outlined, looks great in hand and on the water showing combed vermiculation, quills, feather splits...a realistic decoy. The Premier Grade has more extensive detail, feathering, shading & shadowing, feather splits and is primarily designed for the lamp or mantle. Both grades are eminently huntable.

Brant  Old Squaw

Painted decoys start at $1500 per dozen without keels. Keeling runs $12-$45 per installed keel based upon size and weighting. The "per dozen" price is based on 8 drakes & 4 hens per dozen (our recommendation) though you can have it any way you desire. This works out to $125/drake & $125/hen (unkeeled) when purchased in dozens. Decoys can also be purchased individually for the mantle, painting samples or the rig.
Individual decoys (under a dozen per species) start at $145/drake & $155/hen in the Premium Grade and typically twice that amount in the Premier Grade. There are a few items that may add to each decoy. Add $10+ per decoy for: drake feathering (i.e. Pintail, Widgeon, Oldsquaw, Woody), vinyl tail installation (i.e. Pintail, Oldsquaw), glass eyes on any decoy. Decoy pricing beyond the standard/magnum decoys will be proportional to the pricing of the unpainted decoy, size and complexity of the painting.

Brant  Old Squaw

Your decoy can be purchased with keels installed (weighted or unweighted) or without keels. We use hardwood keels, permanently installed, to insure years of worry free usage. The weighted keels have a slot routed into the bottom of the keel and 4 oz. lead weight epoxied into the slot. This gives you a great "self righting" decoy.

Brant  Old Squaw

Our decoys are all prepped, reprimed and painted using our Flat Marine Enamels (with some acrylic detailing) or the Golden Acrylic Matte Paints. We clear coat our decoys with two mist coats of a flat/matte finish to bring out the colors and give some abrasion resistance to the finish. These decoys are designed by hunters for hunters and are meant to be hunted. Happy Hunting!

Premium Grade:
Mallard, Canvasback, Bluebill, Buffy, Redhead, Goldeneye-$1500+/dozen plus keeling. Pintail, Oldsquaw-$1800+/ dozen plus keeling. Super Mag. Bluebill, Cansvasback, Redhead, Scoter, Eider-$2200+/dozen plus keeling.

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