Phone: (586) 790-2678
FAX: (586) 790-2653
Lou & Anne Tisch
36568 Boyce
Clinton TWP, MI 48035

© 1998-2001 WATERFOWLER.NET & Lock Stock & Barrell, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

"THE BRANT II" is a 2-man scull boat designed by Lock Stock and Barrell, Inc. to meet the demanding needs of the modern waterfowler. The hand-laid fiberglass construction offers the sculler a safe and durable craft.
The versatile Brant II can also be used for layout as well as marsh hunts. The spacious cockpit, molded shell boxes, and integrated motor mount are key design features for the convenience and comfort of the waterfowler.

Features of the"THE BRANT II" include:
- All hand-laid fiberglass construction
- Core and solid reinforcement of deck and hull
- Full urethane foam flotation
- Finish - open water grey

Specifications of the"THE BRANT II" include:
Depth Amidship..........18"
Approx. Weight..........160 lbs.
Maximum Capacity.....2
Weight Capacity...........465 lbs.
Horsepower Rating.....6 H.P.
*Meets U.S.C.G. Standards
Brant I (1-man sculler)...Assembled - $2195
Brant I (1-man sculler)...Kit (less foam) - $1595
Brant II (2-man sculler)...Assembled - $3095 *Available by special order*
Brant II (2-man sculler)...Kit - $2445 *Available by special order*
Brant II-X (2-man sculler)...Assembled - $2695
Brant II-X (2-man sculler)...Kit - $2045
***Note*** The Brant II kit also includes the flotation packages and a partial adhesive package.
Marsh Blind/Deck cover with Mats for Brant II.................$650
Spray Dodger..................$250
Scull Oar (8 1/2ft Ash)..........$225
Video Assembly Manual (Brant II).......$35