Phone: (586) 790-2678
FAX: (586) 790-2653
Lou & Anne Tisch
36568 Boyce
Clinton TWP, MI 48035

Lock Stock & Barrell, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

"THE WHISTLER" is a 2-man Lake Erie style
Layout Boat. This is a redesign and refinement of the time honored and proven "Pumpkin-seed"
type of layout rig. This boat is built to handle the large bodies of waters of the Great
Lakes of Michigan.
 "THE WHISTLER" is a very stable and towable design and is a tremendous
advantage to the waterfowler when added to his arsenal of equipment.

Features of the"THE WHISTLER" include:
- All hand laid fiberglass construction
- Core and solid reinforcement of deck and hull
- Full foam flotation
- Vinyl rub rail and combing trim
- Adjustable non-shrinking spray curtain
- Solid floor with adjustable back rest
- Forward & aft mounted cleats and anchor guides
- Bow eye with towing leader designed to lift bow
- Ample storage along sides and behind back rest
- Forward placed cockpit for balance (center weighted)
Specifications of the"THE WHISTLER" include:
Cockpit Length.....8'2"
Approx. Weight.....230 lbs
Whistler.....Assembled - $3695
Whistler.....Kit (less foam, floor and backrest) - $2695
Video Assembly Manual (Whistler) 2 tape set.......$42
