Phone: (586) 790-2678
FAX: (586) 790-2653
Lou & Anne Tisch
36568 Boyce
Clinton TWP, MI 48035

Lock Stock & Barrell, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

"THE SOUTH BAY SCOOTER" is a waterfowl craft designed
for performance. With only the serious sportsman in mind, Lock, Stock and Barrell, Inc.
has produced a craft that performs equally well in the marsh and open water.
The hand-laid
fiberglass construction offers the waterfowler a safe, durable craft that will give years of continuous
service in all hunting conditions.
Safety, durability and ease of operation were primary concerns in the development of the
SOUTH BAY SCOOTER. The SOUTH BAY SCOOTER'S spacious cockpit is capable of transporting
two hunters, dog and gear.
The wide beam allows two hunters to shoot side-by-side during a layout
hunt. The SOUTH BAY SCOOTER lists standard equipment features seldom found as options on other
- Gun Racks
- Removable Back Rest
- Locking Hard Cover
- Shell Boxes
- Oar Sockets
- Storage in Floor Boards

As an option, the SOUTH BAY SCOOTER can be equipped with a quick-set blind that may be removed
for field use.
Features of the"THE SOUTH BAY SCOOTER" include:
- Hull & Deck hand-laid fiberglass construction
- Core and solid reinforcement of deck and hull
- Closed cell urethane foam flotation
- Finish - open water grey

Specifications of the"THE SOUTH BAY SCOOTER" include:
Depth Amidship..........15"
Approx. Weight..........150 lbs.
Maximum Capacity.....2
Weight Capacity...........465 lbs.
Horsepower Rating.....7.5 H.P.
*Meets U.S.C.G. Standards
South Bay Scooter...Assembled - $3295
South Bay Scooter...Kit (less foam) - $2645
Marsh Blind/Deck cover with Mats for South Bay Scooter........$650
Video Assembly Manual (South Bay Scooter).......$35